About Us 

Quality Products, Unbelievable Prices

Our Formal Wear Store was established in 2000 with the purpose of selling the latest in fashion to the residents of Gladesville. Founded by Jon Doe and inspired by a combination of high fashion and new street trends, Gladesville Formal suit Hire & Alterations has a large selection of retail items at a fair price. Customers come to us for our impressive selection of Suits, Shirts, Dresses and more.

At Gladesville Formal Suit Hire & Alterations, we provide customers with chic fashion items that are sure to add a bit of flair to your wardrobe. Stop by and take a look at our collection.

By Appointment Only

Call or Email Marsha to book a time to come in

1B Cowell St, Gladesville NSW 2111
All rights reserved 2018
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